Friday, September 14, 2012

Top Tips and Guides on Silvershard Mines in Mists of pandaria

PVP funs should already heard something about the Silvershard Mines in the coming new race, Pandaren, but to play here is much harder than in other battleground, experts on will offer some tips and guides on Silvershard Mines in Mists of pandaria

Silvershard Mines is an upcoming battleground in which the objective is to escort mine carts to various depots for points. There are multiple tracks, and the option to switch tracks at certain points. There are minecarts that take off from the center of the map and head to three different supply chains. As they are on the way to the depot, you can capture them in the same way you capture points in Eye of the Storm.

Best Tips and guides on Silvershard Mines in Mists of pandaria
So first, let's look at the more complex of the two battlegrounds, the Silvershard Mine. As the name would imply, it's in a mine. Revolutionary! More specifically, it's in a Venture Co. goblin mine underneath Stranglethorn Vale. It's described in the battleground finder tool as a 10vs10 escort battle, which is pretty accurate, as the objective of the battleground is for each faction to capture and escort mine carts to depots at the end of the line, retaining control of the carts throughout their jouney from the central depot to their destination. An added level of involvement is found at the crossroads, where players can change a mine cart's direction.

The carts spawn in turns on the three tracks leading away from the middle. Right now, it seems that they spawn on each track in a rotating pattern, so the northwesterly track gets a cart, then the southwesterly track, then the southeasterly track, the back to the northwesterly and so on. This may well change and may well just have been the pattern by chance while I was observing!

Crossroads are a really interesting element in this fight. You can not only capture carts but also crossroads. Crossroads are captured in the more traditional way, with a timed capture, as you can see in the picture below. Again, the cast bar is copied from elsewhere on my screen.

Areas to control
Areas to control The most tactically vital crossroads from the perspective of travel time is the eastern crossroads. You can see that the difference in travel time between the red and the yellow routes is considerable. It's less the case that you always want it to send carts down the red route and more that you want to control which of the two routes the cart takes. So if the opposition has control of a cart, you might want to ensure it's taking the long route, giving your team more time to recapture it.

The mists of Pandanria will be launch soon, if players are wow Mop gold buyers, it’s the time to ready now, for the gold are likely to rise soon after the 2012 Olympics.

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