Thursday, April 5, 2012

Five Best Places To Farm Volatile Water In WoW Patch 4.3

What's the best place to farm volatile water in wow patch 4.3? Volatile has came into the economy mostly through gatherers as a byproduct of what these farmers are actually looking for. This means that with the exception of players grinding specific mobs and wow gold,there's going to be little flexibility of the supply.Here are the list of which place are best places to farm volatile water.

1. Enslaved Tempest – Twilight Highlands
Enslaved Tempests is the Best Non-elite non-engineer source of volatile air. In killing it give a 15min buff called Tempest’s Blessing to reduce damage taken. Just be aware that they also attempt to attack the nearest hostile mob after they are freed. This also drop Volatile Fire and Water.

2. Vortex Pinnacle
For instances it would be best if you farm at Vortex Pinnacle, Uldum.  If you’re good at soloing, you may end up with even a stack of volatiles in as little as two runs, as all air elementals have a chance of dropping 1-6 of them. It does not matter if it’s on heroic or normal mode. Keep in mind though that if you wipe a lot, your repair bills may negate your profits.

3. Howling Riftdweller – Mount Hyjal
Probably the easiest kills for Volatile Air. Got 21 in about an hour and 15 mins but it took me a little time to get used to spawn points.

4. Storm Vortex – Twilight Highlands

5.Scion of Al’Akir – Uldum
Farmed these for 120 minutes, killed exactly 340 of them and got 60 Volatile Airs, which is about 17.6% droprate. I do recommend to also used a Potion of Treasure Finding for the latter 60 minutes and got 8 Tiny Treasure Chests.

Volatile water is not hard to farm in you take your time to go around the above five places to get it.Volatile Water is also good to stock up on if it's cheap on your server since it'll be used in some new recipes but the flip won't be insanely profitable so buy and sell with caution.If you'd like to know more wow guides,keep browsing to find more wow guides or buy wow gold safely there if you need some.

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Tongzhouseo May0405