Monday, July 16, 2012

Full-scale Mage Leveling Up Guide at

In world of warcraft, Mage is a very wise and tricky class, we couldn't say Mage is the most powerful class in wow, but we have to admit that this class can level up very quickly with less wow gold, and this article is about the Full-scale Mage Leveling Up Guide.

The best Mage spec for leveling is a pure damage dealing class, but because of the great Crown Control it’s always accepted to instances, raids and arena teams. Mages can teleport from to every city within its own faction, and also teleport other players there which means you can sell portals to people in need, 5-10 gold is what most people pay. And because they can create a food/mana table, this alone can get you invited to a raid because most people are too lazy to buy their own food.

Talents and Cataclysm Mage leveling builds

Mastery is a trainable skill that you have access to upon achieving level 80. Gear will come with Mastery Rating, which will increase the Mastery effect much like Crit Rating does now. You no longer learn several levels of spell. You buy the spell once and it scales as you level. Which spec? Fire and Arcane do a lot of damage, but have few survival or control abilities. Not recommended for PvP unless you have mad skills.
Frost is definitely the best PvP build, with decent damage, plus good control and survivability. If you're on a PvP server then consider Frost as a first choice for leveling, otherwise fire or arcane.

Our Generic recommendation for the new mage? Go Frost, for the survival skills, though Fire or Arcane will level just fine and often destroy the opponent before it gets to you.

Leveling Tips
The general routine is this: Keep the opposition at maximum range wherever possible and blast away. Use Frost Nova when the mob gets too close, blink, get some range and blast away. You will probably want to have a wand handy for those rare times when you are low on mana, and use the wand when the mob is running away from you or your partner is tanking it. Something to show you the way helps, too.

May be this Full-scale Mage Leveling Up Guide at is not the most efficient Mage leveling guide online, but I am sure, you can actually get some useful information from it, Looking for more wow guide ,please come to, cheap and safe wow gold is also selling here.

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