Monday, August 13, 2012

How to Maximize Your Wow Gold Proftis in Patch 5.0

Knowing how to maximize your Wow gold proftis in Patch 5.0 is very important, for it can help players make wow gold faster. Leveling two professions on your World of Warcraft character is a great way to make gold, or gain access to items your character can benefit from. Before you pick your professions, though, first you must ask yourself what type of professions you'll be picking – and how many.

How to maximize your Wow gold proftis in Mist of Pandaria
If you're looking for an easy way to make gold that doesn't require a whole lot of thought, or you want to make the most gold while you level, go with two gathering professions. This is especially useful if you're re-rolling on a new server and need some starting gold.

If you want to explore a crafting profession and be able to gather your own mats, go with a combination such as Skinning/Leatherworking, Herbalism/Alchemy, Mining/Blacksmithing, etc. This gives you the flexibility to farm your own mats, or buy from the AH if you just want to relax and do some crafting.

If you've got more gold than you could possibly ever need, use two crafting professions to maximize your available gold making opportunities, without having to do any farming of materials. (Or you can always farm them on your alt!) Also, having two crafting professions lets you pick two profession-specific bonuses: extra sockets from blacksmithing, special jewelcrafting gems, ring enchants, embroidery, shoulder inscriptions, engineering goggles, and so on.

Selling Dungeon Runs will also maximize your EU Wow gold proftis in Mist of Pandaria. If you're a tank, many DPS (and even healers) are willing to pay a few gold for an instant queue. You can also sell dungeon run-throughs to lowbie characters who want a quick run and some gear upgrades.

Limited Supply Items. These do require a little bit of gold to purchase, but the amount is negligible compared to what you can often sell them for at the auction house. Every time you visit a vendor, check to see if there are any cheap limited supply formulas or other items available for purchase.

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