Thursday, May 10, 2012

God, the Miss USA Champion Get to Jail Because of Wow?

Every body likes beauty,whether you are a man or a woman.At Miss USA you can see many beautiful women in the stage,they are graceful figure,and they are pretty and charming.At the beginning of this year,Miss USA comes to the end and Laura Kaeppeler crowned the Miss USA,since that these beautiful women come to the public stage.And in recently days,we can have the chances to get close touch with these beautiful girls,because they are going to give touring performances in different parts of the country,are you excited about it?

The girls had only been in New York City for a few days and,for four of them, it was the first time.Yet here they were, striking a pose tens of millions of hardened New Yorkers would recognize from their own daily hustle:hanging on to a metal pole with one hand,packed elbow to elbow,trying not to step on their neighbor as the steel -and-aluminum carriage they were in swayed violently to and fro.

And it was only one of the few events the Miss USA candidates had packed into the day's insane schedule. Everyone had been woken at 4 a.m. and bussed to glitzy Rockefeller Center for a guest appearance on The Today Show before being taken to an industrial section behind the train tracks in Long Island City, Queens, to volunteer an hour packing produce bags for food rescue organization City Harvest.

"We get by on caffeine,"said Laura Kaeppeler,her blue eyes a much brighter shade than that of the stormy sky outside."Lots and lots of caffeine, during the day time, I have the performance,but at night, I always play wow till middle night, I am really tired,but I just can't live without this game"

God,who can know that the Miss USA Champion is a Wow Fun!I just can't believe that,I can't connect this beautiful girl with the game of world of warcraft.I can't believe that!

And today,I get another news which also surprised me a lot, Rima Fakih, the first Arab-American to be crowned Miss USA, voided jail during sentencing Wednesday in her Michigan drunken driving case, an experience she described as "very humbling." Judge William McConico put Fakih on six months of probation, ordered the former beauty queen to perform 20 hours of community service and said she must pay $600 in fines and costs. Fakih also must attend an alcohol safety class.

The 26-year-old pleaded no contest last month to driving while visibly impaired in Highland Park, an enclave of Detroit. A no contest plea isn't an admission of guilt but is treated as such for sentencing. Fakih faced a maximum penalty of 93 days in jail.

"I'm very sorry" not to have been sentenced to serve jail time, Fakih said. "I shouldn't drink at that night, because I have the habit that when I am playing world of warcraft, I used to drink some wine and it will make me feel excitingso that I can enjoy the game well,"

It is world of warcraft again, I have to say that world of warcraft is really a good game that so many famous stars get addict to it, God, please help these people out of these bad shit!

Would you want to play wow with these beautiful Miss UAS Candidates?

Would you want to roam the Wow arena with your deamlover?

Would you want to be the partner with the Miss UAS Champion?

Let have a wow party tonight!


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Tongzhouseo May0511