Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How Does DPS Work in Mists of Pandaria

For DPS funs, they are urging to know how does the DPS work in Mists of Pandaria, experts on Fedexwowgold.com will offer some guides here.

In Cataclysm, there were many hot-button death knight balance issues, but one of the biggest was Unholy Presence vs. Frost Presence. Frost Presence fell out of vogue very quickly in Cataclysm, since all DPSers found themselves running into a global cooldown wall pretty quickly. We were producing resources so fast, we needed the 1-second GCD provided by Unholy Presence to have any hope of spending them all.

How does DPS work in Mists of Pandaria
The 1-second death knight
Monks currently get a 1-second GCD as a base feature of the class. Perhaps it's time that death knights get the same. Blood death knights are doing fine with the usual GCD, so it's likely this solution would simply involve giving the lower cooldown as a specialization to unholy and frost.

The advantage of this, of course, is that it would simply official codify the death knight playstyle that's been in place for some time now. All through Cataclysm, we've come to see the death knight DPS playstyle as a fast-paced, breakneck attempt to stay ahead of resource generation and make split-second decisions on how to spend. In a lot of ways, this hasn't been a bad thing. It certainly makes our playstyle compelling and unique enough, and by now, one would assume everyone playing a death knight is more or less used to it.

Both arms and fury have grown more complex as DPS specs from their earliest days. Arms has moved from a primarily PvP/debuff spec to a more complex and engaging but still approachable DPS spec. Quite frankly, arms' renaissance began during Wrath but was perfected with the introduction of Colossus Smash in Cataclysm, acting as a tent pole around which the rest of the spec's priorities hung efficiently.

Still, most DPS warriors in Mists of Pandaria (and indeed, quite a few tanks) were primarily arms warriors in the classic WoW era. Mortal Strike's power in PvP meant that many warriors specced for it, especially in the days before dual specs. I remember every tank on Ebonroc having Mortal Strike to keep him from healing. Today, arms is a DPS spec in its own right and not on the strength of its debuffs.

Best DPS professions in Mists of Pandaria?
Yeah as always. JC, BS, Leatherworking and sometimes Tailoring or Skinning. Blizzard said there were going to be some tweeks to the gathering profession bonuses at one point but it seems to have fallen to the wayside.

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Tongzhouseo May0821