Thursday, August 9, 2012

What's The Best Warrior PVP Spec In Mists of Pandaria

Warrior plays a very important role in World of Warcraft, less than two months later, the new race will be released, so what’s the best warrior PVP spec in Mists of Pandaria?

The new Mists of Pandaria expansion comes with some interesting changes for the warrior. buy wow gold cheap!The most significant probably for pvp is the intercept, which was like a charge for berserk stance and fury warriors. In the new expansion it is gone, and now charge acts like the only charging spell for both battle and berserk stances. Regarding the talent system, you will be able to pick a single spell every 15 lvls. You will however get spells automatically based on your spec, once you reach the required level.

What's the best Warrior pvp spec in Mists of Pandaria
Arms - "The" Pvp spec for warriors, both in Wotlk and Cata. Still remains so in Mists of Pandaria. Devastating effects when used vs ranged enemies since it is less kitable than fury.
1) Juggernaut (Charge has 12 sec cd not 20) - great for catching enemies

2) Second Wind (when you are stunned or immobilized you generate 20 rage and 5% max health over 10 sec; when you take direct damage you have 10% to regenerate 3% max health over 5 sec) - useful for self-healing while fighting

3) Disrupting Shout(interrupts spellcasting for 4 sec within 10 yards) - the most useful of all options for that lvl - good interrupting

4) Avatar (+20% damage, immune to immobilizing effects, attacks generate extra rage - 10 sec) - useful for damage bursts or dispelling snare or root effects.

Fury - The fun pvp spec used by a lot of warriors. Has great potential when dealing with melee targets and can usually nuke them pretty fast.
1) Juggernaut (Charge has 12 sec cd not 20) - great for catching enemies

2) Second Wind (when you are stunned or immobilized you generate 20 rage and 5% max health over 10 sec; when you take direct damage you have 10% to regenerate 3% max health over 5 sec) - useful for self-healing while fighting

3) Disrupting Shout(interrupts spellcasting for 4 sec within 10 yards) - the most useful of all options for that lvl - good interrupting

4) Avatar (+20% damage, immune to immobilizing effects, attacks generate extra rage - 10 sec) - useful for damage bursts or dispelling snare or root effects.

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